The Schmitt Gang

The Schmitt Gang
keeping up with our crazy beautiful lives!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Recap of the last couple months

So i think it will be easiest if i just recap that last couple of months... We will call in winter. :( We are all so sick of winter the kids have taken to running around the table to burn off extra energy.

Everett went back to school the beginning of January and started riding the bus. I do believe he loves riding the bus almost as much as preschool. But I am very sad to report that again they feel he is just to "young" to attend. His teacher reported that he has gotten tons better but is still a little behind the other kids as far as listening to directions. I noticed when he would get home from preschool he would be a complete terror so I agree he's just not ready. This does mean he will be a grade behind his friends Camden (5 weeks younger than Rett) and Kyler (2 weeks younger than Rett) this bothered me a little at first but I have since gotten over it. i haven't broken the news to Rett yet that after thursaday he won't be attending anymore until fall.

Emma is CODY'S CHILD and has started jumping out of her crib! ( I say Cody's child because I have never ever been a dare devil at 24 years old I am barly able to jump off a diving board into water let alone out of a crib.) So we prombly moved her into a toddler bed for safety reasons. The first night was a little bit of a struggle and Cj (Cody John is easier typed as CJ for all of you wondering) convinved we that putting a Tv and DVD player in her room was a good idea. After a week of Emma waking up at 3 am wanting her Tv on the Tv was no longer aloud to be used. lol

We went to look at a *cough cough* Van yesterday and took it home for the night for a test drive. After showing Cody's parents, Koko and Dewey (Cody's aunt and uncle), and My parents we decided (by we I mean CJ) that it would be a good idea to call the dealer and tell him we would take it. We have to go back to mason on thursday and sign paper work. I must admit I mean a little excited about the van. :) But will be a little embaressed to drive it with no babies in it. lol I will post pictures tomorrow of the van :)

I Guess I Will Try Doing This!

After stalking Cody's cousins blog for months now i am going to atempt to do one also. Right now i don't even know how to put little pictures on the sides but give me time and I am sure to figure it out!