The Schmitt Gang

The Schmitt Gang
keeping up with our crazy beautiful lives!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


    Are you one of those people that lay awake at night and wonder? I'm not just a night time "wonderer" I'm an all the time "wonderer." Am I doing this right, should I have done this or that or this or that. Yup that's me so when I found this quote it really hit home. I'm always so paranoid of what my kids will grow up to be, so focused on making sure they don't grow up to be bad people, so worried that they will grow up and have memories/ won't have memories of this or that. That I'm forgetting to focus on the fact that at this very minute they aren't bad people, they are actually great little kids who need their mom to focus on them not their memories. I'm thankful I found this quote to remind me of this!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Easton's First Haircut

 This is how long the back was

My shaggy lil man

Just to prove I could, I put it in a ponytail. Isn't he pretty :)

 First Cut

All done....what do you think?

Monday, January 2, 2012

What I needed

When something bad happens in life, I always hear people say "it's all part of gods plan" or "part of the bigger picture." I do agree with these statements but I personally think that in these times of huge sorrow and pain god sends someone/something to help get you threw these tought times.  There are alot of people in my life that I know God sent to me because I needed them. But one  thing God sent me that he knew I needed was Dagen.

Dagen and Easton

Dagen came to me in a time of sorrow. I wanted no part in getting Dagen. In my opinion it was way to soon. Known the less Cody and Dad drug me to Riceville to meet a 12 week old Weim. Cody had DREAMED about getting a Wiem his whole life so who was I to stop him.  We had the choice of two male puppies. Dad, Cody, and I all agreed on Dagen. HARD to believe but when we brought Dagen home he was shy and wanted nothing to do with being in the house.

This now 70lb lap dog is just what I needed. No one understands me as well as he does. He knows when I'm annoyed he should go and hide, and when I want to love on him he knows to stand and take it. He was potty trained in less than a week!  Other than barking constantly at the neighbors he's an angel. He's also a little hyper but that comes with having Weimaraner. I couldn't ask for a better dog for the kids he's so protective of them and tolerates the poking and yelling and hitting very well. (of course we don't allow the kids to do this but it has happend)

Some may say I'm crazy but I know this beautiful animal was meant for me!


Fun Facts:

Dagen is Latin for Lord Of The Outdoors
Dagen had MANY nicknames a few are Daggy, Dagger Waggers, Dayden, Dagen Monster.
He has taken on the middle name of Joseph( he wasn't given this right away lol)
His AKC registered name (choose by Cody) is Dagen Hunting Monster
He is a Silver Wiemer
He has fathered 8 puppies
His son is double his size
He love cucumbers
He still sucks on blankets like a baby
He knows sit, stay, beg, shake, high five, and what ever its called when you put the treat on his nose.
He prefers me over Cody (shhh don't tell it's a sore subject)
He could easily jump our fence, if he would realize this we would be in trouble.
Until this year he hated swimming
He must really like out Vet because he spent a lot of time there his first year of life.
When we got him his eyes were blue, they fade to yellow as they get older.

Christmas Morning

Easton with his present from Santa.

I'm not going to lie I'm sick of posting Christmas pictures, since this is that last one I will make it quick.
The kiddos ran downstairs super pumped to see what Santa had brought them. Everett got his Cars 2 Everett plane he had been begging for. Emma got a My Little Pony Plane, Santa must not have wanted them to fight over the plane. Easton got a toy that he can practice sitting to play with it.

Emma posing with her Barbie Kitchen and Cars 2 car.

More Thomas track for Everett

Santa even remembered the puppies on Christmas.

Our kiddos were super spoiled this year. My favorite part was opening the presents Everett "shopped" for at Bullfrogs and Butterflies (a program Rett and Em go to on Wednesday nights at Church). Everett picked out (on his own) candy and a horse calendar for me, a clip board for Em, and a screw driver and back scratcher for Cody. It just makes me smile because he did such a great job getting something we all liked, clearly he pays attention to what we like.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Christmas Eve

My Boys

Our Elf on the shelf "Foodle" had to go back to the North Pole with Santa until next Christmas. The kiddos were so sad about him leaving that Santa sent us a message saying it was okay to give Foodle a hug and a kiss to say bye. (One of the Elf on the Shelf rules is you can't touch the Elf or he will lose his magic)

Setting their special cookies out for Santa

Santa came!!!!

The Kiddos camped out in our bedroom on Christmas Eve. We all cuddled in and watch Polar Express, well Easton didn't join, maybe next year.