The Schmitt Gang

The Schmitt Gang
keeping up with our crazy beautiful lives!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Summer Fun

Everett and Emma's friends Kyler and Kaylee came over to go swimming and play on the slip and slide. It was one of those REALLY hot days out where even I was excited to get in the pool. No one else wanted to slip and slide with Kaylee so she suckered me into doing it with her. My core muscles HATED me the next day but it was still fun :)

They love putting the doggie pool at the bottom of the slide

I'm not so sure this swing is rated for this many kids but they had a blast and no one got hurt, so I will call it a success :)

In Case your wondering It goes Emma 2, Rett 4, Kaylee 6, Kyler 4 (2weeks younger than Rett)

The funny thing about this picture is Kaylee wanted a picture alone, and is completely clueless to the fact that these two snuck in.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Rett Riding His Bike

Everett was finally big enough for his "big boy bike" that Grandma Jackie got him for his 2nd Birthday. He was so proud of himself going up and down the sidewalk. He may or may not have wiped out a couple times due to this bike going faster so in Everett words he was "taking it easy" when I was recording him. In the video he is saying he wants to ride his bike when he goes tick or treating, "kids will say here comes Woody on the bike." (He wants to be Woody from Toy Story for Halloween. Emma wants to be Jessie or Everett told me that Emma wants to be Jessie and I thought it was a great idea :) )

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Only Emma..........

....Would think this matched

She picked out this dress to wear, a little while later she put on her boots and then her hats. I guess she gets her coordination skills from her DADDY! Her daddy can't match his clothes to save his life either :)

I was trying to take a picture of her and her hat. Emma kept saying "more cheese" which I took as her wanting me to take more pictures, here's a few.


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Preschool Open House

Well it's that time of year, school is starting. Everett will be back in the Tuesday/Thursday class at Saint Johns. I'm not as sad about his going as I was last year because I know how much he loves it. I think he has matured alot since last year so that will help a lot. Everett has begun asking why TO EVERYTHING, so Kudos to any teacher who can stand having 21 kids ask them WHY! :)

Trying to make it even.

Emma playing with the blocks (Emma was in Heaven the whole time)

Rett said this chair is Awesome!

Emma found the puzzles, yes she finished this one it was for ages 3 & up :)

This is one of those things you look in and see pictures I didn't know they still made them.
And I love the little loft thing they have on the left side, I want one in our basement:)
These were awesome

Rett & Zach built a "fort"

There is a lot of kids in Rett's class that I know the parents but Everett doesn't know anyone. That makes me a little nervous, but he didn't know anyone last year either and still had fun so it should be fine. Zach, Everett's bff is in the PM class instead of the AM like Rett.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Toy Story 3

Everett & I went to Toy Story 3 last week. Everett had been dieing to see it but I prefer to see the movies at our local theater. It's $1 for Rett to get in and $2 for me that is so much cheaper than going to Mason City and seeing it right away. Everett really liked it but said it was a little sad. I thought it was cute but the other two were better. I forgot to take pictures while we were at the theater but I forgot. Everett and I got all dressed up for our Mommy-Son date, It was fun :)

So this is what you get for pictures from that night, just us being goofy ;)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Aunt Brandee!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday Aunt Dee Dee, we hope you have a wonderful day :o)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Emma's Birthday

For Emma's birthday we waited to give her, her presents until Cody got home from work. Did I mention our AC quit working the day before? Our thermostat was at 86 degrees and all the kids were miserable. The plus to the AC going out was Cody left work early so then Emma's didn't have to wait as long to open her presents. And Cody fixed the Air.... that should have been present enough :)

Can you see how hot they were :(

Everett went to Kmart with me the day before her Birthday and picked out this Play Doh thing...She loved it :)

We got her this Little Leaps Fridge Animals thingy. ALL!!! Of our friends have either this one or the ABC one so we felt left out:) Side note see the profile in the upper right corner? It's Rett but doesn't it look just like me? I actually thought it was me for a second.

Of Course they had to play with the Play Doh afterwards :)

Then we went to my parents' house for supper.
Rett's face in this picture is priceless!

Don't you love the candle?

Present Time :)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Everett and Ali Get Married!

Ali loves Sleeping Beauty, she loves even more having Everett play Sleeping Beauty with her. The other day I dug out some play clothes and Ali dressed up like Sleeping Beauty and Rett like a Prince. Ali asked if her and Everett could get married, so I played pastor. Their wedding day didn't last long before they were back to fighting.... typical marriage. :)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy!!!

Happy 25th Birhtday Babe!!!
We Love You So Much!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Farwell Luke

Cody's friend and Everett's Godfather Luke was deployed last Tuesday. He will be in The Middle East for the next year. He came over last Sunday to hang out with us for a little while before he left. We pray for his safe arrival back home!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Happy Birthday Emma

Can you believe my baby is two? I sure can't it seams like just yesterday I was trying to talk my nurses out of a C-Section.

Wasn't she tiny!! She dropped to 6lbs 14oz, I remember thinking she so small!

And now look at her! I straighten her hair the other day. I'm not a fan, and its okay because by the end of the day her hair had fought back and was back to it's curly self.

We haven't let her open her present from us yet, as I didn't want to wake her up at 6:30 am to give it to her when Cj was home.

*** Emma update comming soon!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Camping At Yellow River

My family and I went on a camping trip to Yellow River, it's in Harpers Ferry, IA. We only camped for the weekend and we had a BLAST!!!

My parents brought the horses for us to ride and their dog Dandy. Dandy is Dagen and Rylie's puppy. They take him riding with he is MASSIVE compared to Dagen. Here is a picture of Dad and Rett beating up Dandy.

Retters swore this was a sand pile, I'm going to pretend I don't know how much horse urine is in that gravel :)

Making the fire. We all ate lunch at different times as sometimes we were in different places. But we all ate together at night :)

Dad, Everett, and Emma scoping out the campground.

Everett riding Rex all by himself :)

Yellow River has a couple COLD streams that run threw it. these are pictures of us in the water.

Retters showing off his swimming skills
Emma loved it where it was shallow, not so much in the deep water!

There was this pretty rock in the deep area that my dad wanted us all to take a picture on. The only down side was it was in 5ft of freezing cold water. (I don't think I am fully explain how COLD it was. Our skin was RED when we got out from being so cold. But the plus to a cold spring is, its clear/clean water.
Isn't this a great picture of all of us :)

While we were there Ashley, Chris, Cody, the kiddos, and I went into Prairie Du Chein for a little while. I couldn't be that close to Wisc. and not get some cheese :) Ashley, the kids and I also went to a swimming pool (the water was up to high the first day we were there to swim) while the boys went fishing. We all had a great time and I can't wait for the 2nd annual Meyer Camping Trip!!