Yesterday I had to make a quick run to Dollar General to get dishwasher soap. (We had just gone grocery shopping on Sunday so I was very annoyed with myself for not putting it on the list.) Then we stopped at the Credit Union so Everett and Emma could have their grandma fix. And since they were sooo good at both places I let Rett convince we to take them to the park. We normally go to Jefferson because most of the time its not packed and it doesn't have any drop off. (ex the fireman's pole at most parks is like a 5ft drop off if you miss the pole.) It's also fenced in rather well, these are all very important as their is only one of me, and two kids going in two different directions. Anywho the kids had a blast. Emma wasn't really dressed for the park as she was wear a skirt and tights. (thank goodness for Spray and Wash) She mainly stuck to the stairs, crawling up and down them. Everett loved playing with the other kids that were there. It amazes me how well he makes friends, it's really fun to watch him interact. By the end of our time at the park his knees and butt were BLACK. (I guess the wood chips are way cool to dig in. lol)
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