The Schmitt Gang

The Schmitt Gang
keeping up with our crazy beautiful lives!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Rett and Em

Just when I thought my kids were always going to dislike each other..... They have decided maybe they do like each other. Maybe it's just Emma maturing out of the baby stage, I don't know. All I know is it's about time lol! Today when we were playing outside both kids played tag and would run up the slide and slide down real quick and then run around and do it all over again. They both also like to play in the sandbox together, and play cars in the house together.

I think Everett and Emma always fighting with each other bothered me as much as it did because, I think sibling relationships are VERY important. Both of my parents but especially my dad would always say that you stick up for your family. I see people who don't talk to there siblings on a regular bases and I just think it's sad! Out of everyone in this world I will know my sister the LONGEST! (Given we both die of old age) I don't know if that sentence is confusing so let me explain what I mean. I came along 18 months after my sister so for my sisters whole life expect for 18 months I have been there. Now your thinking well Dusty your parents were there, well it pains me to say but they will pass on before I will. So I just think the person that your going to have your LONGEST relationship with should be VALUED. If god forbid something would ever happened to Cody and I, I want my children to KNOW they will always have each other. Threw fights, girlfriends, boyfriends, wives, husbands, children.... threw every aspect of their lives!

** This is not meant to be an attack at anyone who doesn't speak to there siblings I'm just simply explain why it's important to me that my children are close

***The pictures are from when we were feeding the ducks. It was a little windy can you tell?

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