The Schmitt Gang

The Schmitt Gang
keeping up with our crazy beautiful lives!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Oh The Things Everett Says

This is our conversation on the way home yesterday.

Everett: Why do Gas Trucks stop at Rail Road tracks?
Me: Because they want to be sure there isn't a train coming so they don't cause an explosion
Everett: Will School Buses explode too?
Me: No they stop because they have so many kiddos in the bus
Everett: Why
Me: Because kiddos are precious cargo so they want to be extra safe
Everett: If a truck had a race car in it would it stop to be safe
Me: no, only if the lights were on.
Everett: But, Mom a Race car is precious cargo too!

Only Cody's son would compare children and cars as "precious." Yup my 5 year old is a motor head!

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