The Schmitt Gang

The Schmitt Gang
keeping up with our crazy beautiful lives!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Were you one of those kids?

Ya'know one of those kids that ruined Christmas for their mom and OPENED their presents before Christmas? I may have been one of those kids. And because I may have been one of those kids I am paranoid that my kiddos Emma will open her presents and seeing as she can't read who knows what gift she would open. And since I'm paranoid about it I wrapped all the presents and put them upstairs in my room. This didn't make my kiddos very happy so I toyed around with wrapping fake presents on a trial bases (if they left them alone I would bring out the real ones) But the thought of wrapping gifts for no reason didn't sound fun. So my new plan was to wrap a book for the 25 days to Christmas. You could buy new books but since I'm cheap we wrapped ones we already had. I debated getting some from the library but I thought they would want to keep them.

This is what you need...

 Wrapping paper, tape, scissors, a marker or tag, books and a cute little helper.
 I put whatever number it was, that many times on the package so they could count it:)

This is when I lost my little helper. Honestly I didn't want him to see all the books I picked anyways :)
Ta Dah! I alternated a non Christmas book and Christmas books since I didn't have enough just Christmas. And I of course ended with Twas The Night Before Christmas.

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