The Schmitt Gang

The Schmitt Gang
keeping up with our crazy beautiful lives!

Friday, March 12, 2010


For Christmas from my parents got Emma a Leap Frog Stuffed Animal named Scout!

He (Scout) must go EVERYWHERE with her. I mean everywhere: to bed, eat all meals next to her, naps, car rides, we have to pry him out of her hands for bath time, and then of course up to bed again. If at anytime Scout is not with Emma and you ask her "Where's Scout?" she will go find him. When its time for bed we will tell her "Emma its time for bed." and she runs and grabs Scout then goes to the stairs. Its the cutest thing. He even had to go with Emma when she had her 18 month pictures taken. If you didn't notice him that was GREAT editing on Beka's part because he was there!

Scout spells out Emma's name in a catchy little song. He plays bedtime music at bedtime. He know her favorite food and color. He does this all by a little computer that he has inside him that you sync to your computer and can decide what songs he sings and what he says. It's safe to say that this it probably why she is so in love with him.

Then the worst thing in Emma's little world happened. Everett was taking a bath and before I could stop Emma she threw Scout in the water. I quickly grabbed the little green dog and a towel and started trying to dry him off. He was soaked and it was 15 minutes before bedtime so I decided to use the hair dryer to dry him. Emma had the biggest melt down in the world at the sight of this. Not without trying, but I'm sad to say, Scout will never talk again.

I called my mom and told her of the horrible events that happened in Emma's life that night. She promptly ordered a new one from the wonderful world of He hasn't come yet. I'm still undecided if I want to get rid of the old one. And we are a little worried if she will notice the swap. I can't say she hasn't notice that Scout is now mute, but she hasn't started loving him any less.

Photos of Emma and Scout :)

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