The Schmitt Gang

The Schmitt Gang
keeping up with our crazy beautiful lives!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Super Cody To The Rescue

We have had quite the eventful week for home ownership! Sunday Everett and I were organizing the upstairs hall closet, when we hear screech screech ssssscccrrreeeecccchhh. Which meant a bat, YUCK! I hate bats scratch that I hate any rodent in my house period ending. I always think their is something in the attic, prolly the fear of the unknown (lol) and I will send Cody up their to investigate and he will come down and tell me I'm crazy. But this time I KNOW I heard something. So brave Cody went in search of a bat and found one. Ugh still gives me the shivers! He got it thank goodness and he cleaned up the bat's mess because I saw on The Discovery Channel that guano is very bad for you.

Then if that wasn't enough. I went downstairs yesterday to switch laundry and there was soapy water all over the floor. Which means the sewer is about to back up, AWESOME! This has happened to us every year since we lived in our house. The first year it happened was a HUGE mess and we had to call a plumber. The plubmer told us we would have to either cut down our trees or rotto rutter every year. I'm kind of a save the trees kind of person, so cutting down the trees wasn't an option. Normally we don't need to rotto rutter until May, but I guess the pipes decided March was a good month. I blame all the snow. I'm glad to have intercepted the problem before it became a huge one again and I am very thankful to have a Husband that can fix all these problems!

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