The Schmitt Gang

The Schmitt Gang
keeping up with our crazy beautiful lives!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Tenting out

In our desperation to do something "fun" in our house (that we have been stuck in for what feels like FOREVER due to WINTER) we decided to make a tent today. I was already in the process of folding sheets and blankets so I thought why not. I quickly learned that our tent had to have an in and an out for when the scary monsters came so both kids could run out at the same time. They did a really good job playing together accept for when I let them eat popcorn in the tent, you can see it ended up all over my floor! The tent did give me much needed time to put toys away without kids following me around telling me they were still playing with that, or in Emma's language EEEEHHH EEEHHH NAH NAH NAH. I really really really wish spring would come so we could do something OUTSIDE!!!

1 comment:

  1. Emma looks so big in that second picture!!! "Coolest chick in the world"
